Buhimba-Nalweyo-Bulamagi&Bulamagi-Igayaza-Kakumiro (93km)

Project detail


Project Title:

Design and Build of Buhima-Nalweyo-Bulamagi and Bulamagi-Igayaza-Kakumiro Roads (93km)

Funded by:

Loan funds obtained from China Exim Bank


Kagga &Partners Ltd


M/s. China Wu Yi Co. Ltd


UNRA supervision team

Original Contract Price:

USD. 138,488,356

Commencement date:

13th April 2018

Construction period:

1099 days (36 months)

Completion date:

16th April 2021


Project details

The Government of the Republic of Uganda applied for a loan from China Exim Bank and contracted M/s. China Wu Yi Co. Ltd at a sum of USD. 138,488,356 to Design and Build Buhimba-Nalweyo-Bulamagi and Bulamagi-Igayaza-Kakumiro Roads (93km). The works include all field works, detailed engineering and construction of 93km of roads.

Scope of works

The Buhimba-Nalweyo-Bulamagi and Bulamagi-Igayaza-Kakumiro road will be upgraded to Class II (bituminous) standard with a 7-meter wide carriageway and 2.0-meter wide shoulders on both sides of the carriageway. The existing road has an average existing carriage way width of 4.5m with a drain to drain with of 7.5m.


Cumulative physical progress at end of July is 16.3% against planned cumulative progress of 26%, giving a slippage of 9.7%. Cumulative financial progress at end of July was 27.0% against 34.0% planned. Time progress at the end of July was 474 days (43% of Contract Period). The progress of the Contractor is being tracked based on the revised program of works.